Sunday, April 1, 2012

Newspress Nails

One of the many fabulous ideas on pinterest! So simple to do!

First, pick your nail color, paint and let them completely dry.
Second, prepare a cup of rubbing alcohol or vodka and cut strips of newspaper wide enough to cover a single nail.
Third, dip your finger in the alcohol/vodka and press the newspaper holding firmly to your nail for 10-15 seconds.
Lastly, A top coat!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cascading Curls

Just the right amount of curl. Somewhere between ringlets and straightness.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Birds Eye

I have found that the best way to develop craft ideas is keeping your eyes peeled when shopping, anthropologie has an array of artsy shabby sheek decor among their adorably over priced clothing and accessories. There are mountains of new discoveries all around.

The greatest aspect of shopping for creative inspiration is planning a base for your design or none at all you may be surprised as to what you will come a pone. If you desire a structured approach to your crafts and ideas, search online or subscribe to a crafting blog, save your favorite tips and one find day make your unique design.

When you have your light bulb moment while stumbling a pone a brilliant idea- write it down. There may be a specific occasion to save this craft for and create it at a later date. Birthdays, holidays, baby's, decor for a new home or room specific and weddings galore. A personal touch always enriches the occasion.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Diving into a good book.

Fact, fantasy, illumination, insight, culture, drama, teaching, growth, thrill, intrigue, diversity, intellect are among the many reasons we desire to engulf ourselves in a new book.

We can chase our childhood innocence and joy...
We can develop a deeper understanding of our magnificent God and his love for us.
We can learn how to become the strongest and courageous person we were meant to be.
We can follow a diverse culture from our own and learn how another country's day to day life is run.
We can hang on to each page wanting more from the character.
We can imagine ourselves on adventure...

I love the process.
Skimming the rows of hundreds of books standing eagerly for you to pick it off the shelf and open its pages.
Or, talking with friends and family that recommend a great book that had captivated them in some way.

Enjoying my last few weeks of summer I have developed a deep desire to reeeeead. I have completed the first few books in the "Number One Ladies Detective Agency" based out of Botswana, Africa. When the 4th and 5th arrive I will continue with the series. In the meantime, my focus is on "The Shack" followed by "Eat Pray Love".

Any suggestions for "Desired/Must Read Books"??

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chasing the skyline.

When a cup is full it is more likely to overflow. When my cup is full- I desire to feed my soul by doing the very things it desires most. Retreat to the beach, a hill top, a drive through the hills, paint, make something of my own, fill a blank page with my thoughts or drown my thoughts and worries in a beautiful melody, craft, bake etc.

But there is nothing quite like the freedom of walking along the beach...
Somehow, clarity and tranquility are present and everything seems to be peacefully silenced by the experience.

I am not afraid to say: I have fears. They are mighty.
The divide: However we have the gift of choice. Each and everyday. To triumph.
Conquer: We are capable of extraordinary things. We just have to let ourselves fly.

We miss out on living by being absent in the present. Seek and he shall find. What course do we follow when we search and fall short of understanding which is truly beyond this world, only in Christ are things revealed. That I have come to know.

So we wait, but do not loose sight of what joy is living in front of us.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Independence Day Delight

A 4th of July celebration would not be complete without some tasty red, white and blue treats. There is an array of patriotic themed cakes, cupcakes and colorful/editable designs to spruce up your party.
To name a few ideas:
1. Cupcake mix with blueberries
2. Fruit; strawberries, blueberries, boysenberries, raspberries, cranberries etc.
3. White frosting
4. Red, White and Blue sprinkles

My delicious American Flag Cake consisted of a chocolate base, white vanilla frosting, blueberries and strawberries.

It not only gets you in the spirit but is satisfying to your palate.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Donating a precious gift.

Locks of love is an organization that collects donated hair and makes wigs for children with conditions causing hair loss. It's a confidence builder as well and an opportunity to empower these special children to be all that they can be.

I have desired to donate my hair for years now and finally have accomplished my goal :) I donated 12 inches of my locks to this wonderful organization. We may have ideas as to how we are supposed to look, act and carry ourselves but at the end of the day we are all beautiful and it is hair that many of us are fortunate enough to have. So why not share our blessed gift!!

It's one of the easiest more rewarding donations to give. Simply go to and follow the instructions. They require a 10 inch minimum to donate.

Be generous with what you have to offer. You never know when you might be on the receiving end.